Friday, January 2, 2009

Spec Racing, Is it actually cheap?

Spec racing at a club level is cheap. But as soon as you step above club level, it can become awfully expensive. This is known as check book racing. And to an extent, it doesn't work, but as soon as you couple a big check book or credit card with a skilled driver, you end up with driver's buying 10 or 20 stock motors and running them all in to see which is the fastest, and buying 80 cells at a time to make three battery packs out of. Drivers who are at an event like the North Island champs or the international will also often buy a whole new set of ceramic bearings for their car to make it that little bit smoother.

In reality, you don't have buy 15 new motors and try to find the best one, or buy a set of ceramic bearings for an event, This is just the top guys trying the biggest advantage that they can.

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